
Period of Skill initiation, Development, Display and Worship
Point no 1: Step in women's liberation in olden days
In olden days, women were not allowed to go out and visit places or meet friends. Their movement was restricted. So Navarathri gave them an authorized outing. So it gave women a freedom to move.
Point no 2: Skill display (Art, Music)
First golu (toys assembly) is arranged in house and friends and relatives are called to visit. Toy assembly demands imagination and skill. The visitors are expected to sing songs in praise of goddesses Parvathy, Lakshmi and Saraswathi. Carnatic music skill is displayed by girls. And sundal is distributed to visitors. So inmates display various skills in cooking variety of sundal.
Point no 3: For Bengalis
For Bengalis who live outside Bengal, it is grand get together> they celebrate it in grand scale.
Point no 4: workers worship
For workers, the last day is their day called Ayutha puma day.
They clean their machines and pray their machines.
Point no 5: Children start learning

On Saraswathi puja day vidyarambam (initiation to study) is done.

Thus we can summarize Navarathri days encourages
1. Skill initiation
2. Skill development and Display
3. Skill worship